Fresh Perspective • Strong Leadership • Results that Work for Oklahoma
Robert Keyes knows the challenges Oklahomans face because he’s lived them. From growing up in poverty to working his way through the oil fields, and then building his own businesses and earning trust and confidence by facing down big government bureaucracy to protect private property and small businesses, Robert Keyes has spent decades fighting and winning, putting hard-working Oklahomans first.
While Robert Keyes is “Tough as a 2 Dollar Steak” in negotiations to protect freedom, private property and free markets, he is also a husband, father, grandfather and a man of faith who remains actively engaged in identifying ways to answer needs identified in our community.
Our economy is struggling, and we need a leader with real-world experience who understands the challenges faced by families and small businesses.The news has been filled with news on lawmakers infighting, and putting personalities and politics ahead of principles and priorities of advancing ideas that would benefit Oklahomans. With the recent Supreme Court Chevron decision, we finally have the opportunity to reverse harmful federal bureaucratic decisions that had bypassed legislative authority and stifled growth and stolen freedom through mountains of red tape and regulations. Oklahoma can’t afford to vote for more of the same as we attempt to dig out from Biden’s disastrous policies which have spiked inflation, increased debt, enacted excessive taxation, loss of respect for military service, and loss of freedom and opportunity for Oklahomans.
On August 27, choose a better way forward - a problem solver, conservative leader and consensus builder with a real record of success. With your vote, Republican Robert Keyes will serve our district effectively and deliver positive results for our state.
““I believe Oklahoma’s best days are ahead of us — but only if we have the right leaders at the State Capitol. We must have seasoned leaders who know how to fight and win against the federal bureaucracy, which has led the charge to open borders by ignoring the rule of law, weakening industry, and leaving us with poor economic and education outcomes.
I will put the keys to my success in the private sector - principles of hard work, intelligent planning, innovation, problem-solving, coalition building, and care for my community, which grew from my foundation of faith and conservative values - to work for you in the Oklahoma State Senate.”
Robert Keyes is in the Runoff Election “Playoffs” - Help Make Sure Robert Keyes secures the WIN by voting August 27!
Here’s how you can help Deliver the Win for our District with Robert Keyes!
Register to Vote before the Deadline: August 2 Vote from Home by Requesting an Absentee Ballot by: August 12
Score with a Runoff Early Vote: August 22 -23: 8am– 6pm. August 24: 8am to 2pm or Vote on Runoff Election Day: Tuesday, August 27: Vote 7am-7pm at your local precinct polling location
And then Join Us for the Runoff Election Big Game Results Watch Party at 7pm on Election Night!
Authorized & Paid for by Robert Keyes for State Senate
Your Vote is Important - please mark your calendar to Vote August 27
Before you vote - call Robert with any questions! Cell: 405-768-0892
Facebook: Vote Robert Keyes